Public Transport in Derbyshire and the Peak District

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From the main page you can select the Derbyshire County Public Transport Map, or a town bus route map for one of the main towns in Derbyshire. The map you select will open in a separate window; when you want to choose another map, close the new window, or re-select the first one to go back to the main page.

Some of the maps are large files, up to 1Mb in size, so please be patient.

To view the timetables in the library you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you do not already have this on your computer, you can download a free copy.  Click the logo to download, and follow the instructions given.

Click to get Adobe Acrobat Reader

When viewing a map in Acrobat Reader, you can navigate around the map using these tools:
  • Select the hand symbol (), then click on the map to move it around the window. Tip: on some browsers it is possible to simply press the spacebar to temporarily invoke the hand tool.
  • Select the magnifying glass symbol () and then click on the map to zoom in on a particular part of the map.
  • Click on the binoculars ()to find a place by name; if the name appears more than once, use "find again" until the place you want is found. The place name will be highlighted.

The colours on the County map show how frequent the services are. Services shown with black numbers are the most frequent; those shown in red run less often. Services marked † are seasonal (usually summer only).

The areas marked with purple boxes and green infill on the County map are those covered by the town plans.

The other symbols and colours on the County map are explained below.
Key Graphic
The symbols and colours on the town plans are explained below.
Click for general public transport info Click for timetable section
The information in these pages is compiled by the Public Transport Unit of Derbyshire County Council, and is published in good faith. The Council does not, however, accept any liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising out of any errors in, or omissions from, these pages. © Derbyshire County Council.
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