If you know the number of the bus service you need, you can select it from the list. Click the appropriate link to open the current timetable or (if there is one) the future timetable. If you do not know the service number, you can find it in one of two ways:
- Use the index to places served, which shows the numbers of the buses to each place. Check your destination and your starting point to see if there is a service which goes to both places. For each of the main towns there is a separate index showing the services between that town and places on direct services from it.
- View one of the Derbyshire bus maps. The numbers of the bus services are shown along the roads; the most frequent services have blue numbers, and the least frequent ones have grey numbers.
To view the timetables in the library you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have this on your computer, you can download a free copy. Click the logo to download, and follow the instructions given.
The information in these pages is compiled by the Public Transport Unit of Derbyshire County Council, and is published in good faith. The Council does not, however, accept any liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising out of any errors in, or omissions from, these pages. © Derbyshire County Council. |